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Innovation port opens in Tianjin
Published on: 2016-03-30
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01A new innovation port aimed at attracting domestic and international enterprises was inaugurated in the tallest building of Tianjin’s Binhai New Area on January 28th.

The port, jointly built by Tianjin’s Binhai hi-tech industrial development area, Beijing’s Zhongguancun science park and the Hanhai Investment and Management Group, is based at the Tianjin 117 Goldin Finance Center.

Media reports said that three international business innovation centers targeting the U.S., Canada and Germany are expected to open in the port, attracting top talent from around the world and becoming international exchange centers of science and culture.

The innovation port --- the first demonstration platform of its kind --- will promote integration between Beijing and Tianjin and foster a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Wang Hanguang, chairman and CEO of Han Hai Investment and Management Group, said that overall plans for layout and design are coming soon.

“Implementing the strategy of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration, we will focus on leading industries, such as IT and bioscience,” said Wang, “The port will also attract enterprises from Zhongguancun and overseas, and we’ll be providing all-round services to them all.”

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