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Published on: 2016-08-02
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TP 201608 wechatHi friends, another month with you again!

Check out the Aircraft Carrier Theme Park article in our cover story of this month. It is one of the most famous attractions in Tianjin seaside, just beside Teda and Tanggu.

As the country and its citizens plod through the summer heat, we at Tianjin Plus realize more an anyone else how important it is not just to remain cool but also to look equally cool. To this effect, our latest edition offers plenty of tips that would enable you to breeze through the summer heat in terms of apparel, hair care and beauty care.

Courtesy of keeping our eyes and ears open, we managed to catch the latest buzz as regards trending eating joints in the city for both local and international cuisines. If you are an avid shopper, all you need to do is flip through our write-up on Florentia and include it in your agenda and if you are a night creature, suggestions in our 'Nightlife' section will definitely help you to identify a great spot.

Reykjavik with all its icy beauty is our global destination for this month and for all those who have been bitten by wanderlust, this edition carries lot of advice as to how you can organize your trip and derive the most out of it in every way. There is lots of advice for new mothers too as also those who are conscious of their health, are artistically inclined or are interested in discovering their cultural roots in martial arts.

Good luck during this month and don't forget to visit our website www.tianjinplus.com and follow us in our official Wechat account (ID: tianjin_plus) for more lifestyle information.

Best wishes,

Mary Smith.

Managing Editor | Business Tianjin Magazine
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06 Calendar
08 Partner Promotion
11 Chit Chat
12 Art & Culture: Three Jin of Wushu

8433 16060QGP914 Feature Story: How to Be and Stay Cool in the Hot Tianjin Summer

16 Cover Story: Action Packed: Binhai Aircraft Carrier Theme Park
形象120 The Orchard is amazing
22 Restaurant: Browns: A Taste of Britain
IMG 531525 Relationship
26 Fashion: Summer vibes: The complete men's wardrobe guide for summer

28 Sports: Battle of Universities Polo Elite: Metropolitan Intervarsity Polo Tournament 2016
MIP 2016 Day 5 C2 LR 副本31 Education: IST
32 Entertainment

34 Health Watch: Gastritis

36 Shops: Florentia Village: A Glimpse of Italy in Tianjin
38 Nightlife: Sharks: 3 of a Kind and 3 Top Hits
shark on T.V interview 40 Beauty: Say Yes To Perfect Hair, Tips for Gorgeous Hair, Everyday!
42 How to: How to organise the best trip of your life
44 Looking Back: The Summer Seaside Resort for Tientsin's foreigners
48 Special Days: Special Days in August 2016
50 Past Events
52 Tianjin Listing Index
63 TEDA Listing Index
66 China Travel: Off the beaten track: Yangshuo
006 landscape of guilin li river and karst mountains70 Horoscope

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