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International Shipping Industry Expo 2024 kicks off in Tianjin
Published on: 2024-07-12
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Tianjin International Shipping Industry Expo 2024 kicked off on Wednesday, aiming to build a platform for international cooperation and exchange in the shipping industry.

The four-day expo set nine exhibition areas to all-round display shipping industry chain equipment, technology and services, attracting over 400 enterprises, well-known ports, and industry associations.

During the expo, the Port Economic Development Report of Chinese Seaport Cities 2024 was released by the Transport Planning and Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport.

According to the report, Chinese seaport cities saw the added value of their port economy amount to 6.2 trillion yuan ($869.05 billion) in 2023, which accounted for 13.4 percent of these cities' total economic output. The added value increased by 192.9 billion yuan over the previous year.


7月10日,2024天津国际航运产业博览会在天津开幕。本届航运展以“航通天下 运行未来——畅通国内国际双循环”为主题,旨在搭建航运产业国际合作交流平台,展会共设置9大主题展区,总展出面积达5万平方米,全方位展示航运产业链装备、技术和服务,吸引国内外400余家企业、知名港口和行业协会等参会。

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