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Tianjin to Reduce Air Pollution by Cutting Steel and Cement Output
Published on: 2013-10-29
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altNorth China's Tianjin municipality plans to reduce steel and cement output amid efforts to reduce air pollution and lingering smog, the local environmental protection bureau said. 
Tianjin government is aiming to reduce steel output by 1.4 million tonnes and cement output by 2.29 million tonnes by the end of the year. The city is shutting down factories and promoting environment-friendly energies, according to an environmental protection plan published. 
Tianjin, listed among the 10 cities with the worst air quality in the third quarter of the year, has shut down 440 high polluting factories since January this year. 
According to the plan, no more new energy-inefficient projects including producing steel, cement, aluminum and ferroalloy will be approved. Instead, environment-friendly production will be encouraged. 
The local government aims to reduce heavy industry emissions and industrial energy consumption by 30 percent and 20 percent respectively, by 2017 from 2012 levels, the plan said. 
According to monitoring results in the third quarter, air pollution in Beijing, neighboring Tianjin and Hebei Province was worse than other parts of the country. 
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