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Tianjin, Hebei Hesitant on Beijing's List of Companies for Relocation
Published on: 2014-04-15
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altThe city of Tianjin and Hebei province are hesitant to take in any of the 207 enterprises Beijing initially listed for relocation to one of the two areas as these companies are believed to be generally big polluters with high production costs, high input necessities, but low on economic and environmental benefits, the China Real Estate News reports. 
Beijing has provided the list of the relocation enterprises to the two cities. However, because there is little benefit to the two areas in accepting these companies, which come from various sectors including the chemical industry, furniture manufacturing and building material producers, Tianjin and Hebei have been reluctant to approve any of these enterprises to relocate and are waiting for a new list to be submitted by the Chinese capital. 
An official from the government of Shuangluan District, Chengde City, north China's Hebei Province said that most of the enterprises on the list are high pollution and high cost and such enterprises are likely to become burdens to the local government; therefore, Tianjian and Hebei are not enthusiastic about the current selection of enterprises. 
"The requirements for the enterprise selections are strict in Shuangluan District and the development of the selected enterprises has to fit for the developing trend of the city. Besides Beijing, there are also many projects from other areas coming to us for cooperation. So we will wait for the second batch of enterprises and then decide what firms are fit to choose," the official added. 
During his address at a symposium in Beijing in February, Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized the developing mode that Beijing and neighboring Tianjin and Hebei coordinate their development for the purpose of regional integration. 
Xi said that Beijing, neighboring Tianjin Municipality and Hebei Province should coordinate in city planning, environmental protection, industrial development and market integration to build a functioning urban agglomeration. 
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