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Game of Interests in China's Regional Integration
Published on: 2014-04-16
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altSince Chinese President Xi Jinping called for integration of regions around Beijing in February, the market response has been quick: property prices in neighboring cities have kept rising, as have related stocks.
But concrete moves on the official level are still in slow motion.
In a brief statement on its website, China's National Development and Reform Commission, the top economic planner, announced that it is drawing up a plan for the coordinated development of a Beijing-centered "economic circle," but did not say when it will come out.
The idea of integrated development among Beijing and Tianjin municipalities and Hebei Province is not new. The central government first proposed plans to coordinate development in the regions in 2004.
Since then, however, there has been little solid progress except for the building of a few transport networks that connect the regions, spawning the creation of "sleeping city" commuter towns around Beijing.
Beneath the unintended outcome is the uneven growth and resource distribution among the regions, with Beijing enjoying unmatchable blessings both in the political and economic sphere.
Exactly how the renewed push will deliver will hinge on authorities' resolve and wisdom to balance the game of interests between the regions. 
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