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Spring Outing to the Great Wall—Somerset International Building Tianjin & Somerset Youyi Tianjin
Published on: 2014-04-17
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altIt is a great season for an outing. The wind is soft, the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming everywhere. So Somerset International Building & Somerset Youyi Tianjin made a decision to take thier residents out to enjoy the spring breeze. 
There’s an old saying in China, “ one who hasn’t been to the Great Wall is not a true hero”. The Great Wall is a a must go spot for all expatriates. Around 80 residents joined the trip with to conquer it. Some of them even reached the top of the mountain. The management team also thoughtfully prepared sports drinks, energy bars, sushi and bread along the way. Such care was highly welcomed and complimented by all guests.  

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