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International Building Tianjin Named a “Five-Star Commercial Building”
Published on: 2014-05-13
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 alt In April 2014, International Building Tianjin was officially named a “Five-Star Commercial Building” by the Tianjin Heping District Government. In 2012, the government launched a series of evaluations to measure the performance of commercial buildings. This covers aspects including taxation, customer mix, investment strategy, property management standard, facility and environment enhancement etc. It is the 2nd consecutive year of International Building Tianjin winning this honour. 
Being the first mixed-development building in the city, the International Building Tianjin has been leading the market for over two decades. In 2010, the iconic building was acquired by Ascott, the world’s largest serviced residence owner-operator. 
This successful acquisition brought higher standards of service and more investment. In the past 4 years, Ascott has focused on facility enhancements such as construction of the new mechanical car park building, renovation of the public areas of the commercial building and the serviced residence, and broadband upgrading to rejuvenate the long-standing building. Quality services and diligent maintenance of the building have given this site a competitive edge. 
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