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New Technology to Help Link Beijing, Tianjin & Hebei
Published on: 2014-05-22
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altChina’s top economic planning body- the National Development and Reform Commission - is drafting a plan to integrate Beijing with its neighbouring industrial province, Hebei, along with the port city of Tianjin. 
The move is set to boost growth in the northern region. But despite the economic gains, many challenges remain. From the China’s Beijing International High Tech Expo now underway, Grace Brown has been finding out how new technology could help overcome them. 
For decades, economists have called for Beijing, Tianjin and the province of Hebei to become a mega-city. Now, the government is making it happen. The project will involve 150 million people. 
Beijing’s Zhongguancun Science Park, known as - China’s Silicon Valley’, is looking to the new region for growth. 
Deng Yufeng, director of Zhongguancun Science Park, said, "There are many new companies at today’s expo, mostly representing Zhongguancun. Many plan to expand in other cities. Often they will keep their headquarters and research centers in Beijing, but expand production and marketing across the country. The government is building a platform for these companies, to support their development. With the integration of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, we also want to help them grow." 
As cities grow larger, water pollution from industrial waste in places like Hebei, is both a concern... And a business opportunity. The government sets aside 20 million yuan a year to treat it. 
Wang Yanling, project manager of Green Tech, said, "This equipment treats polluted water. Dirty water goes into the membrane inside and comes out clean and drinkable. At the 18th Party Congress, China’s leaders said water pollution in rural areas is a major issue. So we created this machine - its relatively easy to move." 
Another area for innovation lies in managing household waste in the new mega-city... 
Given the population numbers, linking Hebei with two major Chinese cities will not be easy. But new technology is helping to ease some concerns, ahead of the report’s formal release, next month. 
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