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Taiwan Companies Prefer to Seek Money in Tianjin
Published on: 2014-08-08
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altTianjin has become one of the hottest cities for Taiwan firms to invest in and make money, as they have a good environment and a friendly background for foreign investors.

According to reports, as of May this year, there are 2,223 Taiwan companies in Tianjin, whose total investment amount has reached almost 14.37 billion USD. In the past 20 years, over 100 Taiwan companies on average have established offices in Tianjin each year.

In addition, 15 Taiwan financial institutions have established their branches in Tianjin. Yu Kuo-chih, the chairman of SinoPac Leasing Co, which established its second branch in Tianjin following the first in Nanjing, said the north part of China is a good region in which to develop industry and business. "The financial industry will congregate and prosper in Tianjin with state-run companies first setting up there, bringing in other related businesses,” he said.

Taiwan trade center chairman Wang Chih-kang said Taiwan companies in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will find more business opportunities with regional integration.

Wang said an increasing number of Taiwan businesses are eyeing up the region for investment, especially in chain stores, logistics and finance.

It is also understood that Tianjin's Taiwan affairs office has signed memorandums with the Taiwan affairs offices of Beijing and Hebei in order to speed up the establishment of a common platform. 
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