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Premier Li Stresses Cutting Red-Tape to Spur Economic Vitality
Published on: 2014-09-15
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altChinese Premier Li Keqiang has called for increased effort to transform government and cut administrative red-tape.
Li made the remarks on a tour of north China's Tianjin city on Thursday after attending the Summer Davos forum.
While visiting the Tianjin Binhai New Area and Xingang Customs, Li hailed the progress in simplifying administrative procedures that fueled a surge in new company registrations and helped create more jobs.
He asked authorities to create an amicable environment for innovation and give more power to the market.
In a visit to some small businesses in Tianjin, Li urged local regulators to further ease tax burdens on them, and spare no effort to solve their financial problems.
"We should make an effort to allow small businesses to thrive, prosper and create more jobs," he said.
On Thursday, Li also went to the sites of the city's biggest slum renovation project, promising to improve the lot of those still living in harsh conditions.  
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