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Chinese Footballers Suffer 3-0 Defeat again at the Hands of DPRK
Published on: 2014-09-16
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altAbout one year ago, the Chinese Olympic soccer team lost to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) 3-0 in the East Asian Games in Tianjin, China, finishing last to disappoint their victory-hungry supporters.

At the Incheon Football Stadium on Monday, the young Chinese team lost their Asian Games opener in the same score, watching Sim Hyon-jin, So Kyong-jin and Ri Hyok-chol complete the tally with half an hour to go. Efficiency, accuracy, patience, it seems the Chinese team lacks everything a team needs to win.

Heads down, Chinese footballers left the pitch.

"One goal down too early," said China coach Fu Bo, referring to Sim's goal at the 10th minute.

Fu said the Chinese were stunned and dumbfounded by the DPR Koreans' early goal.

With the lead, the DPRK team pulled off brilliant passes in front of the Chinese goal, creating far more chances than their opponents. The stats showed that the DPRK team led 23-7 in shots while Chinese shots were long and from poor angles. 
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