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Zhongguancun Innovation Boosts Regional Development
Published on: 2014-09-29
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alt As an innovation base where personnel and high-tech enterprises flock, Beijing's Zhongguancun Science Park has played an important role in the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.More and more of Zhongguancun's innovations have been incorporated into production in various industries in Tianjin and Hebei.

Zhongguancun has a large number of research institutes, colleges and universities. Making good use of Zhongguancun's rich achievements in scientific research can promote the industrial upgrading of Tianjin and Hebei.

Qinghuangdao, a city in Hebei province, has carried out cooperation with nine research institutes and 14 domestic high-tech achievement transformation platforms in Beijing.

Zhongguancun has set up 616 subsidiaries in Hebei with a total investment exceeding 20 billion CNY. The park has also cooperated with over 1,000 innovative enterprises in Tianjin.

Zhongguancun has given its secret of success to Tianjin and Hebei. For example, Tianjin's Dongli district built a science park which developed over 150 enterprises with the help of THTI Holdings Co, a company in Zhongguancun.

Meanwhile, Zhongguancun's Haidian Park set up a sub-park in Qinghuangdao, bringing innovation experience to Hebei.

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