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Tianjin Releases Report on Innovative and Hi-technology Index
Published on: 2014-12-08
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altThe Tianjin Innovative and High Technology Area and Tianjin Institute of Scientific and Technical Information released a report on the Tianjin Binhai New Area's innovative and hi-tech index on Dec 2.

Information security, new energy automobiles, three dimensional technology, and cinematic production will become the focuses of the area’s future development.

In addition, the enterprises will combine hardware with software and establish a premium development environment.

Tianjin has been following a development strategy to strengthen its western sector, to improve its eastern sector, and to expand to the north, pushing forward the implementation of a batch of projects including Battar Jewelry and Hawtai Motor.

Binhai's total production value exceeded the milestone of 100 billion yuan and reached 102.5 billion yuan in 2013.

The increasing number of enterprises and the rapidly developing economy is effectively driving employment. The employed population has increased nearly 40 percent year on year, which is providing positive social effects.

Binhai has focused on cultivating and bringing in strategic and emerging industries, such as electronic information, cultural innovation, aerospace, aviation, and new energy. One new strategic and emerging industrial accumulation whose production volume was more than ten billion yuan was established in 2013, bringing the total number of accumulations to four in Binhai.

The number of industrial accumulations which enjoyed an increase rate of more than 50 percent was five, which was more than half of the total number. The increased rate of aerospace and aviation accumulations was 1.19 times, which shows the industry experienced the strongest growth.

The total number of national innovative and high technology enterprises in the area reached 523, which was the largest in Tianjin.

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