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KFC hostage situation ended peacefully
Published on: 2014-12-18
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alt Chinese police ended a 2-hour hostage situation in a KFC restaurant on the one of the busiest streets in Tianjin on early Wednesday.

A witness at the scene said the hostage-taker, a local man, tried to attract public attention by holding the people hostage because of personal debt issues.

According to a statement released by Tianjin Municipal Public Security Bureau on its official microblog on Sina Weibo, the hostage situation happened at 8:40 am. The 36-year-old hostage-taker, surnamed Bai, had no relations with his hostage.

Another witness said the hostage, wearing a dark red coat, was held near the bathroom on the second floor of the restaurant.

A source with the public security bureau said the case is still on-going.

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