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Beijing flights to be rerouted to Tianjin, Hebei
Published on: 2014-12-24
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alt Civil aviation authorities in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province have signed a cooperative agreement on Monday to integrate air transport systems in these areas.

According to the agreement, some short-haul flights from Beijing Capital International Airport will be reassigned to airports in Tianjin and Hebei province, in order to improve the transit capacity for international flights at Beijing's main airport.
"We have some advantages to attract domestic passengers from Beijing. Firstly, it only takes about 40 minutes from the capital to Tianjin by taking a high-speed train," said Yan Xin, General Manager of the Tianjin Binhai International Airport.

"Second, we commit that 95 percent of passengers who take domestic flights will check in in less than 10 minutes; Finally, the flight ticket price is up to 30 percent cheaper at present," Yan added.
Besides, airports in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province will strengthen cooperation in managing the flight route network, safety services, training personnel and marketing.

A regular communication mechanism will also be established to share information and speed up integration. 
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