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Tianjin Signs Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Alibaba
Published on: 2015-01-07
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alt The Tianjin Municipal Government signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Alibaba Group at the Tianjin State Guesthouse on January 4. Huang Xingguo, the mayor of Tianjin, met Jack Ma, the chairman of Alibaba Group and together they participated in the ceremony.
According to the assignment, the Alibaba Group will set Tianjin as a major area for its strategic development in the future. Both sides will cooperate in areas such as cloud computing, big data, informational logistics, cross border electronic commerce, and the cultivation of electronic commerce talents.
Huang said that Alibaba Group is among the most influential electronic commerce enterprises in China. After years of perspiration and inspiration, Alibaba Group has grown into a renowned global enterprise.
Huang added that today, Tianjin is facing a great amount of opportunities based on national preferential strategies such as the integrated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area, the establishment of the One Belt and One Road, the development of the Binhai New Area, the launch of the free trade zone, and the establishment of the national innovative demonstration area.
Huang hoped that Alibaba Group would base itself on both sides' existing business, continuously deepen the cooperation with Tianjin, and help Tianjin to start a new chapter of its development.
Huang also said that Tianjin will spare no efforts in support of Alibaba Group's development in Tianjin, and will rapidly push forward the development of modern service industries such as electronic commerce in the city.
Ma outlined the development of Alibaba Group. He said that the Group thinks highly of its cooperation with Tianjin. 
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