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HSBC Offering a Better Quality of Community Funding
Published on: 2015-01-08
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alt This year promises to be even busier than last for 64-year-old Suzhou resident, Wang Jihua. 
He is leader of an art group in the city that has more than 20 members.
Having managed to attract a healthy amount of fresh funding, he's looking forward to arranging more performances and events on the back of it, mainly aimed at retired audiences.
A sizeable chunk of that new cash has been provided by the China Community Building Program - an 8 million CNY (1.29 million USD) community fund initiated by banking giant HSBC Bank (China) Co Ltd.
The initiative, launched in late 2013, has funded around 108 programs across 39 communities in Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing and Suzhou, supporting everything from environmental protection to migrant workers integration and other causes that address pressing community needs.
The HSBC fund is being managed by the Shanghai-based non-profit incubator NPI Group, which is targeting its efforts at volunteer groups that are dedicated to serving local communities, all of which are required to bid for funding. 
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