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Theme Parks on the Ride of Their Lives
Published on: 2015-02-06
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alt Some had been reduced to virtual sideshows, but the industry has rediscovered its vigor
It was all supposed to be so much fun for investors, but for many the financial swings and roundabouts of the Chinese entertainment, leisure and tourism industry were as amusing as a stomach-churning ride on a roller coaster.
But that is changing as the industry begins to turn into the money maker it had always promised to be.
Riding this wave, theme parks that had been losing money are now brimming with confidence as the country's swelling middle class realize that when they want to escape the humdrum of life, a visit to a theme park is not a bad option, and is relatively cheap as well.
Industry experts say that in recent years, China's theme park business has grown much more quickly than that of most countries, which may partly reflect the world's economic woes forcing consumers to crimp on their discretionary spending. Given the country's size and population, the themed entertainment industry has huge potential for growth, experts say.
The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions says that 180 million people went through the turnstiles of theme parks in China in 2013, 6 percent more than in the previous year. It predicts that the number of visits will surpass 320 million a year by 2020, overtaking the figure in the United States. 
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