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Beijing Gets Another Set of Wings
Published on: 2015-02-13
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alt As China has soared economically over the past 35 years, so has air travel to and from the country, and that is beginning to put huge strains on some of its airports.
Among them is Beijing Capital Airport, opened in 2008, and which the Airports Council International has ranked as the world's second-busiest in terms of passenger numbers for the past four years.
But respite is on the horizon in the shape of a new airport for the capital, construction of which began in late December, and which is due to open in 2019. The projected cost is 80 billion CNY (12.8 billion USD).
Located in Daxing District, south downtown of Beijing, the new airport will initially be able to handle 45 million passengers a year and will join its older sibling in the record books, being the world's largest passenger airport.
Designers of the airport, sketches of which were unveiled recently, say it will reflect China's rich cultural heritage and the country's prominent place in the world now and in the future.
The design is a collaboration between ADP Ingenierie of France and Zaha Hadid Architects of Britain.
"The design is modern as well as respectful of China's cultural environment, taking its inspiration from Chinese traditions and symbols and recasting them in a contemporary light," ADPI says. 
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