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Tianjin to Open New Tribunal in Free Trade Zone
Published on: 2015-03-12
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alt Tianjin High People's Court announced on Tuesday that it will establish a tribunal for the China (Tianjin) Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ) to provide judicial services to investors.
The tribunal will accept civil and commercial cases in finance, investment, trade, intellectual property, and real estate.
Litigants in the zone can file lawsuits with an online system of litigation to an electronic service platform, which aims to make the procedure more convenient.
"The cases will be heard fairly and efficiently," said Zhai Hong, presiding judge of the 4th civil trial division of Tianjin Higher People's Court.
Zhai said veteran judges in domestic and international laws, as well as international trade rules will be assigned to the tribunal. A guideline for FTZ cases will be published in the second half of this year. 
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