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Tianjin FTZ Service Hall Implements A Pilot Run
Published on: 2015-03-23
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altThe service hall of the central business district of the Tianjin Free Trade Zone (FTZ) located in the Binhai New Area has implemented a pilot run. After the launch of the FTZ, the service hall is going to shoulder as many as 161 businesses from the total of 241 kinds of administrative approvals.

The service hall is located inside China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation's building. Xu Fei, the director of the service hall, introduced that the service hall has set a total of 59 service windows dealing with businesses, such as enterprise establishment, investment programs, single business and integrated approvals.

Around 14 administrative departments are going to join the service hall after the official launch, which include industry and commerce, state taxes, customs, and inspection and quarantine.

Shi Haibo, director of the third branch office of the No 1 local administration of taxation of Binhai, said that in order to provide better service to the enterprises in the FTZ, the entire office has moved to the service hall.

In addition, the number of staff members has increased from seven to 22. The office is now dealing with more types of business, from extending customer base to taxation registration and tax declaration. The enterprises are able to deal with almost all business in the service hall.

The service hall implements a one on one format between accepting officer and staff member from the industry and commerce department when inputting enterprise declarations.


The industry and commerce, taxation, and quality supervision departments are able to find related information from the sharing platform. This format helps to eliminate the workload of enterprises declarers. 
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