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Tianjin's Economic Development: from TEDA to FTZ
Published on: 2015-04-24
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alt From the approval of economic and technological development areas in coastal areas in 1981 to free trade zones, the past three decades have witnessed the growth of development areas and the steady opening up.
The country had a total of 215 national level economic and technological development areas in June 2014. These development areas play a significant role in regional economic and social development.
Founded in December 1984, the Tianjin Economic Development Area (TEDA) is among the first national development areas and has been pushing forward the growth of Tianjin for three decades. Now, TEDA is the most active and globalized economic area in North China. TEDA is also the first choice of foreign investment in North China.
The success of development areas gradually gave birth to emerging economic development areas such as the free trade zones and innovative and hi-tech districts. The free trade zone not only provides services such as bonded storage, export processing, and transit trade but also enjoys registration-free, tax-free, and bonded preferential policies.
The free trade zones using this unique custom clearance format are the most convenient and effective economic areas, with the highest level of opening up and the most preferential policies. 
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