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Tianjin Vows to Strengthen IP Protection
Published on: 2015-04-27
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alt Tianjin vows to boost its IP efforts and innovate the method and mechanism of IP protection and development in order to build a business environment with justice, honesty and principals, said the municipality government.
"China's State Intellectual Property Office and the municipal government of Tianjin have signed an agreement that both sides would launch a new round of IP cooperation and consultation to improve IP protection and management for the free trade zone," said Guo Ming, deputy director of the Municipal Intellectual Property Bureau, at a press conference on Thursday two days after Tianjin Free Trade Zone was officially listed on April 21. 
Such efforts will help boost international trade and promote economic transformation and upgrading in Tianjin Gao said. At the press conference, the city also released its 2014 white paper on intellectual property rights protection and IP development.
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