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Tianjin Attracts 2.27 Million Tourists during Labour Day Holiday
Published on: 2015-05-06
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alt The city of Tianjin attracted 2.27 million domestic and international tourists with a total tourism income of 922 million CNY (148.53 million USD) during the three-day Labour Day holiday from 1-3 May.
The number of tourists increased 11.76 percent since last year, and total tourism income has grown 18.32 percent.
These achievements are attributed to the Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone, the Minyuan Bonded Commodity Trading Center, the auto show in Meijiang International Convention Center, and the animation festival at the Binhai International Convention Center.
In addition, convenient transportation such as the Tianjin-Jixian railway line has boosted tourism to Tianjin.
The Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone before the Labor Day holiday became a new tourist hotspot in Binhai New Area. The Minyuan and Longda Bonded Commodity Trading Centers not only benefit Tianjin residents, but also attract tourists. The centers were crowded during the three-day holiday.
The summer season of the Tianjin Dongjiangwan artificial beach was open on 1 May. The area has added new maritime entertainment facilities and aims to establish an attraction covering maritime, ground, and aerial entertainment.
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