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Tianjin Publishes Inspection and Quarantine Policies
Published on: 2015-05-18
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alt Tianjin Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau published new policies on imported automobile on 4 May. 
The bureau has launched 12 new policies since the unveiling of the Tianjin Free Trade Zone. This is the first detailed implementation.
The third party admissibility policy will increase the inspection ability of Tianjin FTZ and improve evaluation and monitoring, ensuring the quality and safety of imported automobiles.
The inspection and quarantine bureau will reduce inspection fees in accordance to the policies, cutting the cost for importers. According to statistics in 2014, ports in Tianjin imported a total of 570,000 automobiles. Savings are expected to reach 50 million CNY (8.07 million USD).
According to the authorities, the policy will reduce the burden of auto importers and optimize customs in Tianjin. Thanks to the policies, the authorities say, automobile imports in Tianjin will develop rapidly.
The inspection and quarantine bureau has accepted three applications and is evaluating the applicants. The first enterprises that are qualified to provide third party admissibility service will be released soon. It is estimated that the third party admissibility work will be officially launched by the end of the month. 
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