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Tianjin Fair Brings in 22.6 Billion
Published on: 2015-05-25
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alt The China Tianjin Investment and Trade Fair closed on 19 May with great results. The volume of transactions from contracts reached 22.6 billion CNY (3.64 billion USD), and the volume of transactions from products reached 850 million CNY (136.94 million USD). Employers successfully hired 300 PhDs and 1,260 senior professionals.
The total number of booths reached 2,800. Around 8,000 corporations from up to 12 countries and regions exhibited.
The integrated development of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei, the launch of Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone (Tianjin FTZ), and the Belt and Road Initiative made the fair a focus of the entire country.
The number of participating countries and regions achieved record high. Canada, Italy, Korea, and Japan exhibited at the fair as a group for the first time. A total of 200 overseas corporations participated, including 34 from Thailand. 

Tens of thousands of products were exhibited in special area for Chinese Time-Honored Brands, traditional Chinese products, and imported and exported products. Food, cosmetics, and light industrial goods from Russia, Indonesia, Japan, and Korea sold well. Investors and importers from Canada, Italy, and Korea expressed their interests into projects of Tianjin.
There were more than 320,000 visitors and on-site retail volume was over 40 million CNY (6.45 million USD), 100 percent more than the previous fair. The tourism featuring business such as urban area trip, Binhai New Area trip, and industrial trip contributed to the increasing number of visitors to business circles and tourism attractions. The fair drove the development of surrounding transportation, catering, accommodation, and retail business.
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