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Tianjin Develops Smart Transportation
Published on: 2015-06-02
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alt With the rapid development of the smart city, Tianjin residents will enjoy more secure and convenient public transportation services.
A total of 6,800 buses of the Tianjin Public Transportation Group will be equipped with dispatching systems operated by China Unicom and become "smart public transportation".
The dispatching system provides united management, navigation, and in-bus surveillance. The number of buses equipped with the system is expected to reach 8,000 by the end of the year.
The system provides dozens of functions, according to China Unicom Tianjin, including dispatching, navigation, and video surveillance.
The safety of the passengers is protected through the real-time surveillance. 
Whenever incidents occur in bus, the in-vehicle system will alert the management center to contact the police. The system is also able to monitor the bus drivers in case they violate the rules. The number of traffic accidents is expected to be reduced.
Bus dispatchers relied on experience before. With the help of the smart transportation system, the dispatchers are able to vehicle's operation condition through the smart platform.
"If I find outnumbered buses or traffic jams, I will decrease the number of departing buses to increase the distance between buses," a dispatcher gave an example.
The system is able to inform dispatchers with real-time traffic condition, bus condition, and passenger flow. Dispatchers are able to adjust the frequency of departing buses according to the information.
The GPS platform by the Tianjin Public Transportation Group enabled the tracking of real-time bus locations through smart phone apps and Internet television apps last year. With the help of the two platforms, residents will be able to "wait for buses at home".
Binhai New Area Public Transportation Group has launched the second phase of smart dispatching. All information on bus maintenance, fueling, parts, and tickets will be collected and managed by the end of the year.
All of the data will support the business such as dispatching, new bus line design, bus network optimization, and management. The large amount of statistics from the smart dispatching system is more reliable than information collected manually.
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