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Yujiapu Transportation Hub Glows at Night
Published on: 2015-06-05
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alt The lighting of the Yujiapu Transportation Hub in Tianjin Binhai New Area has been completed, according to the China Railway Construction Engineering Group which is responsible to the project. The two 35 kilowatt transformer substations have also been put into use. The shell shaped transportation hub shined in the evening.
In the central business area of Binhai, the Yujiapu Transformation Hub has finished after six years' efforts.
The two biggest advantages of the structure are light weight and perfect visual effect. Sunshine goes through the dome to reach the hall of the station. The design is a good example of saving energy by combining natural light and energy-saving lights, according to China Railway Construction Engineering Group.
The integration of the transparent membranes and indoor lighting makes the architecture shine from inside to outside. The shell shaped construction looks like a shining pearl at night. The landscape lightings are mainly set indoor and are perfectly concealed to reduce the effect on the architecture.
After the Yujiapu Transportation Hub officially opens, the lights will be operated in two modes. In daily mode, only indoor functional lightings will be set up to save energy. The architecture will slightly shine from the outside.
The other is festival mode, when both the indoor lighting and themed lighting will be set up. The entire construction will shine.
The lighting offers higher quality and visibility. On the passenger route, soft lights are used to create a safe and harmonious atmosphere.
Moreover, the lights follow the energy conservation. Natural light is used in the daytime, and at night the lights shoot walls, ground, dome, and objects to emphasize the space of the architecture and make the lighting environment comfortable.
Yujiapu High Speed Train Station is located in the northern part of the Yujiapu Financial Area of the Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone. Together with Tianjin Station, Tianjin West Station, and Binhai Station it forms one of the four major transformation hubs in Tianjin.
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