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Tianjin Holds Model United Nations Conference
Published on: 2015-06-15
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alt The Seventh Tianjin Model United Nations (MUN) opened at Tianjin Foreign Studies University on June 6. The conference lasted for two days and with the theme "The world is in crisis, we are in action".
More than 150 faculty and students from 30 universities nationwide attended the conference. Participants discussed topics such as genetically modified food, Ebola, aviation securities, and solutions to global warming.
At the MUN, college students play the roles of diplomats from different countries and simulate the operational model and discussion rules of the UN and other international institutions to discuss global issues.
Procedures of MUN include opinion clarification, debate, vote, and decision making.
MUN is a way for college students to experience and get familiar with the UN conference procedure and operational model. College students are also able to improve academic standard and English skills, keep posted with global issues, and cultivate logical thinking and problem solving skills. 
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