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Tianjin Handicrafts Exhibit in Beijing
Published on: 2015-06-16
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alt Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei held the First Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition of Traditional Handicrafts to welcome the tenth Chinese Cultural Heritage Day on 13 June.
Up to a hundred pieces of traditional handicrafts from Tianjin were exhibited at the National Agriculture Exhibition Center in Beijing. The exhibition will be open until 16 June.
Projects from Tianjin include Yangliuqing Wood Block Spring Festival Paintings, Colored Clay Sculptures, Kites, Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques, jade sculptures, pottery manufacturing techniques, gourd carvings, fabric arts by Huifuyuan, and handicrafted furry monkeys. All of the exhibits come from successors of famous artists and cover both daily life decorations and art treasure collections.
The creative techniques attracted many visitors. Through on-site introduction and presentation, visitors from Beijing and Hebei can become more familiar with the Tianjin artworks, which merge Tianjin culture into residents' daily lives.
The gourd carving technique and pottery making technique will compete for the Gold Level "Successor Award".
The exhibition is held by the Culture Bureaus of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei and is the first regional intangible cultural heritage project. The exhibition will be held in Tianjin next year. 
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