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Tianjin Beautification Conference Opens
Published on: 2015-06-25
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alt The city of Tianjin joined China’s State Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs (SAFEA) in convening a conference, on ways to improve economic and social development and build a more beautiful Tianjin, with Zhang Jianguo, director general of SAFEA, and Duan Chunhua, vice-mayor of Tianjin, taking part.
Duan addressed the gathering by thanking SAFEA for its many years of help and gave a brief explanation of Tianjin's economic and social development, urban construction and introduction of talented personnel, while Zhang, in his speech, said that SAFEA will continue its support for Tianjin and help introduce more talented personnel for the trade and innovation zones and with policy support and resource guarantees to help build a more beautiful Tianjin.
A year ago, Zhang had signed an agreement on introducing foreign talent, with Tianjin’s mayor, Huang Xingguo, on May 13, 2014, and since then the city has had several hundred programs to introduce talent for city planning, industrial structural changes, product development, ecological and environmental protection, and smart community development, bringing in more than 1,500 foreign experts and sending 825 professionals abroad for training. It has also dealt with key technical and management problems, and introduced new technology and products, such as Israeli water and fertilizer technology and smart vegetable cultivation.
The participants also discussed five major projects for the future:
One, SAFEA and Tianjin will support free trade zone development and find talented personnel for environmental optimization, institutional innovations and more standardized operations at free trade zones with better foreign expert licensing and exam procedures at the lower level, getting senior researchers for free trade zone construction and establishing an overseas expert think tank.
Two, develop more zones for demonstrating innovation through a business start-up park for overseas students, an innovative achievement center for overseas talent, and an overseas talent innovation contest to help introduce more talented personnel.
Three, be more innovative in introducing talent by using foreign employment management methods for certification and standardized foreigner management, following international college plans and management, and talent and faculty development, with a more effective green card policy and more convenient services for overseas talent to protect their interests.
Four, be more active in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development program and get Tianjin to work with talent management departments in the city of Beijing and Hebei province and hold innovation project negotiations and talent achievement exhibitions, get foreign expert to offer suggestions, and increase cooperation among the three regions.
Five, improve talent introduction guarantees and draw up a plan for overseas talent introduction in Tianjin for the 2016-20 period and increase funds for talent introduction and work with overseas institutes to ensure accelerated development of a more beautiful Tianjin.
Also taking part in the meeting were Sun Zhaohua and Zhang Yali, deputy directors of SAFEA, Liu Yuhua, director of SAFEA’s general office, Yuan Ying, director general of Tianjin’s foreign expert bureau, and other officials. 
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