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Tianjin Launches Special Fund for Demonstration Area
Published on: 2015-07-13
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altThe Government launched a special capital fund and a proposal for its management to establish the Tianjin Innovative Demonstration Area and to support the demonstrative area's pioneering role.
The preliminary budget of the special capital fund will reach one billion CNY per year. 
In order to establish innovative platforms, the city will attract technological innovations, bring in and co-establish research institutions, promote the launch of technological and innovative systems such as institutions, academies and integrated research platforms.
Moreover, the city will cultivate incubators for startups such as the public entrepreneurship spaces, entrepreneurship factories, and professional incubators. The city will also make efforts to provide non-profit services and hold innovative and entrepreneurship activities, such as trainings and seminars.
The city will focus on cultivating strategic emerging industries and start ups. In addition, the city will promote the development of core technologies and highly competitive products, support the transition of major technological results, improve the implementation of innovative projects, promote the development of small and medium sized technological businesses, boost the growth of technological startups with high revenue, and cultivate leading enterprises with global competency.
Aiming at establishing technological service systems, the city support the establishment of associations and social organizations and promote the development of professional service institutions covering areas of research and development, intellectual property, examination and evaluation, and technology consulting.
To promote technological finance, the city will establish Angel Investment Guidance Capital Funds and Entrepreneurship Investment Guidance Capital Funds.
The city will encourage enterprise reforms through share holdings and participation in stock markets. Furthermore, the services of the technological finance platform will be further improved.
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