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Tianjin Establishes Biopharmaceutical Base
Published on: 2015-07-23
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altTianjin's biopharmaceutical industry is improving and innovating, with better policies and more talent, according to the Industry and Information Technology Commission of Tianjin.
The Tianjin government has approved a proposal on the Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone (Tianjin FTZ), in which the city will develop manufacturing clusters, including biopharmaceuticals, when establishing research and development bases.
Another proposal, on the development of biopharmaceuticals in the coming three years, pointed out that the industry will reach 180 billion CNY in 2017. By then, the city will have more than 100 biopharmaceutical categories with over 100 million CNY of total sales. Tianjin will establish the most important biopharmaceutical base in the country.
Tianjin has recently implemented preferential policies and launched professional investment foundations to optimize industrial development.
The city has also brought in high-end talent. The number of specialists from the "Recruitment Program of Global Experts" in biopharmaceutical areas takes up 40 percent of the city's total, and national institutions like the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences have cooperated with the city to launch research institutions.
For the next step, the city will emphasize biopharmaceutical industries, especially the four major areas of medical instruments, biotechnology, drugs, and traditional Chinese medicine. The city will also cultivate emerging businesses such as big data. 
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