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Tianjin Releases Consumption Report on 2015
Published on: 2015-08-06
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altLiving consumption in urban Tianjin reached 13,345 CNY (2,149 USD) per capita in the first half of the year, increasing eight percent, according to the National Bureau of Statistics Tianjin branch.
Each Tianjin resident spent 4,450 CNY on food, cigarettes, and liquor on average in the first half of the year, increasing 8.2 percent. Both the number of residents dining out and their spending increased. Each Tianjin resident spent 996 CNY (160 USD) on dining and catering outside in the first half of the year, increasing 26.9 percent.
Each Tianjin resident spent around 2,791 CNY (449 USD) on housing on average in the first half of the year, increasing 9.8 percent. With the increasing living standard, spending on reconstruction and decoration grew. Spending on housing repair and management per capita reached 323 CNY (52 USD) in the first six months, which increased 52 percent.
The expenses on living commodities and services reached 791 CNY (127 USD) per capita in the first six months, increasing 11.9 percent. Residents buying furniture preferred environmentally friendly materials and popular features. Tianjin residents spent 154 CNY (25 USD) on average for furniture in that period.
With the launch of the Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone (Tianjin FTZ), direct sales of personal commodities such as cosmetics increased. The lower price encouraged consumption of personal commodities. A total of 144 CNY (23 USD) was spent on personal commodities per person in Tianjin, which increased 24 percent.
Each Tianjin resident spent 972 CNY (156 USD) on medical services and healthcare, increasing 13.1 percent. The idea of keeping healthy became popular. Spending on health products and devices increased 18 percent in the first half of the year, and the average expense of medical services increased 17 percent.
In addition, more Tianjin residents went on road trips and weekend tours. The consumption on accommodation increased rapidly in the first half of the year. Consumption of cosmetology, hairdressing, and bathing increased 20 percent. 
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