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Zhongguancun teams up with Tianjin and Hebei
Published on: 2015-11-11
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2Tianjin’s Meijiang Convention Center hosted communications panels as a part of the Second Beijing Tianjin Hebei Integrated and Innovative Development Forum on November 4th.

The event echoed the national strategy of integrated development, with support from the Zhongguancun Science Park Administrative Commission and the science and technology departments of Tianjin and Hebei. Twenty-eight tech companies and institutions sponsored the event. Held by Zhang Guihua, president of the Northern Technology Exchange Market, the conference attracted more than 700 representatives from corporations, institutes, and service institutions.

Xuan Hong, deputy director of the Science Park’s Administrative Commission gave a keynote speech on Zhongguancun’s role in the development in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei.

Xuan said that the science park should draw a clear blueprint, explore new management formats, and establish a cross-regional chain linking the science and innovation parks in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei.

Xuan also talked about the focusing the works. Pilot policies and projects should establish regional innovative mechanisms. An integrated innovation and entrepreneurship system should be built through cooperation between science parks and innovative societies. The science park will also support the communication and integration between industries, and use the “Internet plus” idea and new technology, products, and demonstrative projects to drive the transition and upgrade of regional industry.

Xuan suggested establishing institutions to coordinate work in Zhongguancun, Tianjin, and Hebei, adding that a communication platform should be built focusing on Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei. The afternoon provided cooperation opportunities for projects in the Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone and institutions in new energy and smart manufacturing industries.

Service institutions in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei established technological platforms and brought inmore than 60 projects in biomedicine, manufacturing, energy conservation, environmental protection, electronic information, and modern agriculture. Sixteen agreements were signed during the event.

He Shushan, vice mayor of Tianjin addressed at the forum, and Hou Yunchun, director of the China Enterprise Evaluation Association, and other officials from science and technology departments in Tianjin and Hebei gave speeches.
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