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Baidu Executive That Bragged of Pitiless Management Style Leaves After Backlash
Published on: 2024-05-11
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A Chinese tech executive has ignited outrage in China with her fiery endorsement of toxic workplace culture, which eventually caused her to lose her own job.

Qu Jing, the former vice president and head of communications at Baidu, often dubbed China’s equivalent to Google, sparked a public relations crisis for the Chinese search engine after her controversial comments hit a raw nerve with young workers fed up with grueling hours and relentless pressure.

In a series of short videos posted last week on Douyin, China’s version of TikTok, Qu spoke about her devotion to her career, strict management style and unflagging demands on her direct reports.

In one video, she lashed out at an employee who refused to go on a 50-day business trip during the Covid-19 pandemic, when China imposed stringent travel restrictions and quarantines.

“Why should I take my employee’s family into consideration? I’m not her mother-in-law,” Qu said. “I’m 10 years, 20 years older than you. I didn’t feel bitter about it or tired, even though I have two children. Who are you to tell me that your husband can’t stand it?”

In another clip, Qu shared her personal sacrifices as a working mother. She was working so hard that she forgot her elder son’s birthday and what grade her younger son was in at school. She said she didn’t regret it because she “chose to become a career woman.”

“If you work in public relations, don’t expect weekends off,” she said in a third video. “Keep your phone on 24 hours a day, always ready to respond.”

In another video, she also threatened to retaliate against employees who complain about her, saying they wouldn’t get another job in the industry.

Following the public outcry, Qu has lost her own job at Baidu (BIDU), a person familiar with the matter told CNN on condition of anonymity. CNN has also seen a screenshot of an internal personnel system that appears to confirm she no longer works at the company.

Baidu did not immediately respond to a request for comment. By Thursday night, Qu had removed the title of “Baidu’s vice president” from her account on Douyin.







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