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Magic food to prevent nuclear radiation
Published on: 2011-03-21
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In the aftermath of the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan, a nuclear crisis raised fears about radiation and many people are in a state of panic.

1. Lycopene
Representative: Tomato, watermelon and other red fruits.
Lycopene is by far the strongest antioxidant found in carotenoids. Its antioxidant effect is 100 times stronger than vitamin E.

2. Vitamin E, vitamin C
Representative: Beans, olive oil, sunflower oil; mustard, cabbage, radish and other cruciferous vegetables; fresh dates, oranges, kiwi and other fresh fruit.
Vitamin E and Vitamin C are antioxidant. They can form a protective layer on our skin and reduce skin damage.

3. Vitamin A, β-carotene
Representative: Cod liver oil, liver; chicken, egg yolk; broccoli, carrots, spinach.
These foods can effectively protect body cells from damage, thus avoiding the cell to be cancerous.

4. Se
Representative: Sesame seeds, malt and astragalus; yeast, eggs, beer; lobster, tuna and other seafood; garlic, mushrooms.
Selenium has great anti-radiation and anti-aging effects.

5. Lipopolysaccharide, vitamin A
Representative: Green tea, green beans. (If you are not used to green tea, chrysanthemum tea is also effective.)
Modern medical studies have proven that mung bean and green tea can help the body excrete toxins.

6. Collagen elastic material
Representative: Kelp, seaweed; animal skin, bone marrow.
kelp is the body's "clean agent", which helps maintain the body in proper alkaline environment.

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