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China social
# Article Title Date Hits
5001 Officials limit media access to campus crash trial 2011/01/26 3103
5002 People choose to marry later in life 2011/01/26 3244
5003 Download website faces shutdown 2011/01/25 3145
5004 Beijing and surrounding areas gripped by prolonged drought 2011/01/25 3056
5005 Online auction for Asian Games items ends in failure 2011/01/24 3114
5006 Producer tells story behind ambitious promotional video 2011/01/24 3059
5007 China's railway system is put to the test 2011/01/24 3097
5008 More efforts urged to popularize Chinese language 2011/01/21 3077
5009 13 rescued from mountain blizzard 2011/01/21 3165
5010 Face-lift for plastic surgery industry 2011/01/20 3109
5011 Beijing farmers to be shareholders of collectively-owned firms 2011/01/20 3013
5012 Highway fees set to decrease nationwide 2011/01/19 3093
5013 Flu epidemic to peak next month 2011/01/19 2939
5014 Drought affecting more than 2 mln people in China 2011/01/18 3191
5015 Astronauts' endurance to be tested 2011/01/18 3137
5016 230 million expected to go home by train 2011/01/17 3111
5017 Bus caught up in road blast 2011/01/17 3102
5018 Professor battles one-child policy 2011/01/14 3225
5019 Fur fair goes on despite quiet protest 2011/01/14 3102
5020 Taxi drivers and officials at stalemate over new work rule 2011/01/13 3000
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