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Foreign investors accelerate layouts in Central China for strategic location
Published on: 2024-06-06
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The 13th Central China Investment and Trade Exposition (Expo Central China), held in Changsha, capital of Hunan Province from Friday to Sunday, attracted more than 1,000 companies from 32 countries and regions. Attendees signed 284 deals, amounting to combined investment of 251.14 billion yuan ($34.65 billion).

The continuous influx of investment and the growing confidence of multinational companies in the potential of Central China together show the positive outlook for China's investment environment in the region, and serve as a testament to the country's overall investment landscape.

Since 2006, the expo has been held in rotation in the six localities - Hunan, Hubei and Henan provinces in Central China, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces in East China, and Shanxi Province in North China, playing a crucial role in promoting the opening-up of Central China. It also aligns with China's ongoing push for the rise of the central region.

Foreign chambers attending the event were confident in investing in Central China, citing untapped market opportunities, the strategic location and rising consumer market potential.


  据了解,本届中部博览会以“开放创新 中部崛起”为主题,首次采取六省大联合模式,设置了4场重大活动、20多场专题活动及实地考察活动,举办了现代石化、新能源汽车、电子信息、新材料、新能源、枢纽经济等6场产业链招商推介会,每场由1省牵头、5省配合,集中体现中部地区产业融合发展。

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