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Microsoft Shuts Physical Stores in China in Shift to Online-Only Sales
Published on: 2024-07-02
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Microsoft Corp. has closed all its remaining bricks-and-mortar retail stores in the Chinese mainland as part of its global strategy revamp to shift retail operations online.

The American tech giant had terminated all its authorized stores in China by June 30, retaining only offline locations for after-sales services and its online storefronts on Taobao and JD.com, according to a person claiming to be manager of a Microsoft store in Zhengzhou, Henan province, who wrote online.


社交媒体平台有用户发帖曝光微软将关闭全国所有线下授权门店,仅保留官网商城与京东旗舰店。有分析指出,此举系微软进行相关举动的原因是该公司正在全球范围内对 Surface设备进行“战略调整”,而“中国大陆地区的消费者对 Surface 的认可度一直在降低”。微软发言人对界面新闻回应表示,微软不断评估其零售策略以满足我们的客户不断变化的需求,微软已决定对中国大陆市场的渠道进行整合。客户仍可通过零售合作伙伴和Microsoft.com获取微软全面的消费类产品和服务。

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