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China' s 360buy.com considers US share sale in 2012
Published on: 2011-09-09
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Chinese online retailer Jingdong Mall is considering a share sale in the US next year that could be among the biggest internet IPOs.

The company, also known as 360buy.com, is looking to raise between $4bn and $5bn (£2.5bn to £3.1bn).

But the board has not given its final approval to the plan to go public, according to the Financial Times.

Jingdong Mall would be the latest in a series of Chinese internet companies trying to sell shares to US investors.

'Tainted' stocks?

Bankers in Beijing are reported to be meeting with Jingdong Mall next week to discuss the share sale.

However, the US market has not turned out to be a sure bet for many Chinese internet companies in recent months.

The likes of e-commerce site DangDang and social networking site Renren saw spikes in share price on their debuts, but have since seen interest wane.

Another concern is that some US investors are being cautious after a series of fraud and accounting-related scandals were discovered in US-listed Chinese companies.

"There's a bit of taint on Chinese internet stocks right now, but I don't think it's a well deserved taint," said Michael Clendenin, managing director of RedTech Advisors in Shanghai.

He said that one or two frauds should not tar the whole market.

"The smart money will understand that the opportunity here vis-a-vis the reward far outweighs the risk," he said.

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