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China Finance
# Article Title Date Hits
5101 China announces measures to boost Hong Kong economy 2011/08/18 1564
5102 China likely to begin importing more pork 2011/08/18 1487
5103 China remains a magnet for FDI 2011/08/17 1520
5104 Chinese holdings of US Treasury bonds rise in June 2011/08/17 1530
5105 China gives Ethiopia $55 m in aid 2011/08/16 1546
5106 Concern over local government debt 2011/08/16 1602
5107 China to Double Solar Energy Capacity This Year 2011/08/15 1527
5108 Nokia, China Mobile open the Windows 2011/08/15 1541
5109 Chery to open Kenyan plant 2011/08/12 1639
5110 China Moves In to Calm Markets' Nerves 2011/08/12 1621
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