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China Finance
# Article Title Date Hits
5141 Wind power companies breaking into foreign markets 2011/07/14 1650
5142 Wall Street to get lift from China growth 2011/07/14 1587
5143 FDI scheme to spread yuan fame globally 2011/07/13 1577
5144 Starwood Hotels May Consider Listing in China as Industry Overtakes U.S. 2011/07/12 1604
5145 China Money Supply Growth, Lending Rebounds 2011/07/12 1654
5146 China's Wen says inflation top priority, more tightening seen 2011/07/11 1951
5147 Import growth lowest in 20 months 2011/07/11 1298
5148 China machinery maker wraps up work on Bay Bridge, aiming for niche in global building market 2011/07/11 1523
5149 China Communications Construction delays $3 bln China IPO-report 2011/07/08 1587
5150 New tax threshold bars more people from buying home 2011/07/08 1617
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