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China Finance
# Article Title Date Hits
5291 NPC focuses on equality 2011/03/07 1731
5292 Shanghai invests $3.7b on Disneyland project 2011/03/07 1717
5293 Geithner: Inevitable That China Will Appreciate The Yuan 2011/03/04 2125
5294 China considers tariff reduction to boost imports 2011/03/03 1716
5295 Gold Buying in China Jumps as Inflation Flares, Boosting Demand, UBS Says 2011/03/03 1813
5296 China to Buy U.S. Plane Maker 2011/03/03 1740
5297 Higher tax threshold to assist poor on way 2011/03/02 1721
5298 China's Feb manufacturing eases on tighter credit 2011/03/01 1752
5299 Premier Wen sets 7% growth target 2011/02/28 1772
5300 Groupon Launches China Site at Gaopeng.com 2011/02/28 1722
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