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China Finance
# Article Title Date Hits
5321 January car sales drive to monthly high in China 2011/02/12 1816
5322 China Unionpay overseas deals up 44% during Spring Festival 2011/02/11 1754
5323 In China, Tentative Steps Toward Global Currency 2011/02/11 1779
5324 China pays $5.4-billion for B.C. gas play 2011/02/10 1754
5325 China’s stock futures drop on inflation concern, commodities 2011/02/10 1772
5326 China Copper Demand Strong Despite Rate Hike 2011/02/09 1790
5327 Facebook Says It May Win Advertising From China Even After Ban 2011/02/09 1770
5328 Manufacturing Activity Slows in China 2011/02/01 1865
5329 Baidu forecasts above Street, shares jump 2011/02/01 1762
5330 Inflation Pressures Remain Strong In 1st Quarter 2011/01/31 1735
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