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China Finance
# Article Title Date Hits
5501 China Life examining AIA offering 2010/08/27 1946
5502 China to see a new wave of listings by insurers 2010/08/25 1978
5503 China’s eBay buying up a global supply chain 2010/08/25 1969
5504 China's CCB Q2 net up 20 percent 2010/08/24 1985
5505 China 5 Biggest Banks End-June Bad Loan Ratio 1.46% 2010/08/23 1882
5506 Consumer prices likely to peak in August 2010/08/23 1968
5507 China's CNOOC says 1H net profit doubled 2010/08/20 1914
5508 PC maker Lenovo turns to profit on China sales 2010/08/19 1889
5509 China bond-market opening to spur Yuan demand, Citi, Credit Agricole say 2010/08/18 2064
5510 PBoC worried by commercial bill financing risks 2010/08/17 2069
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