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China Finance
# Article Title Date Hits
5691 China weighs legalizing gray-area lenders 2010/02/26 2181
5692 Carlyle Group plans joint fund with China's Fosun 2010/02/25 2197
5693 GM to shut Hummer after sale collapses 2010/02/25 2094
5694 China toughens Internet rules 2010/02/24 2101
5695 China to restrict loans to local governments 2010/02/24 2201
5696 Steelmakers yet to reach price deal with global ore firms 2010/02/23 2150
5697 January crude oil processing volume rises 29% 2010/02/22 2143
5698 China launches stock index futures trading accounts 2010/02/22 2222
5699 FDI rose 7.8% in January 2010/02/21 2328
5700 China's holdings of US Treasury debt slashed 2010/02/20 2211
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