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INSPIRATIONAL: Be Self-Motivated When You Are Striving Towards Success
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Be Self-Motivated When You Are Striving Towards Success
Steve Jobs Life Story
By Fanny Bates

1800176d18ccb26b48b7b3ece24d9e8b 编辑      知名市场经理彭萦说过,她会给三种人升职,第一种就是有自我驱动力的人。这种人体内自动安装马达,有饱满的热情和理想,他们会主动去寻找问题、解决问题,不需要领导指派任务,不需要外部激励自己就能燃烧起来。但遗憾的是,并不是所有人都有责任心,也并非和你自身利益挂钩你就能有责任心,外在环境和因素只是辅助因素,而你内心的想法和认知才是产生驱动力的源泉。乔布斯就是一位有想法有梦想并且拥有强大自驱力的人。



BT 201803 Inspiration 02Let me tell you a story about a young man who was raised to become just another ordinary, average work man. But deep within he knew that just like a small fire cannot give much heat, a weak desire could not produce a great result. So he took his first step towards becoming one of the most successful people in the world. An entrepreneur and innovator as he was, he made a huge breakthrough in modern technology and sparked a revolution while building one of the world's valuable companies, Apple. You can guess now, he was Steve Jobs.

So how did he light the spark within himself? When he was 17 years old, he bought a mirror. Everyone in his house wondered: “Why do you need a mirror?” That day, he read a quote that inspired him through his lifetime: “If you live each day as if it was your last, one day you’ll probably be right.” It made a huge impact on him and he decided to place the mirror in his room, and every day when he woke up, he would look in the mirror and ask himself: “If today was the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m about to do today?” When there were too many days in a row with the answer “No”, he knew he needed to self-motivate himself to change something.

Self-motivation is the individual's ability to continue achieving goals, despite inevitable obstacles and problems. Unlike external motivation, which is activated by other people, self-motivation lies within us and it depends on whether we will see the problem as a failure or a challenge. Self-motivation begins in early childhood, by building first working habits, by delaying current satisfaction for long-term profit, rationally setting goals and having a strong will and putting in efforts to realize them. Sometimes, just by focusing on role models, you will solve one of the biggest challenges in self-motivation, and get one more step towards success. Here are some of the most important things to consider when we strive towards our own self–motivation process:

• Habits that we carry from our childhood;
• Goals that we’ve set a long time ago;
• Time which is perishable and irreplaceable;
• All relevant costs that we need to consider when taking certain action;

BT 201803 Inspiration 01Self-motivation happens spontaneously. If our goal is very important or very tempting to us, we will react. For example, if we are very hungry, thirsty or cold, we will immediately be motivated to take certain action to overcome this unpleasant feeling. There is a story about a famous philosopher, Socrates, who was once asked to explain what success is. To demonstrate it, he asked a young man to follow him on the river and ducked him into the water. The young man struggled really hard to get some air, and eventually, Socrates let him go. He then explained to this young man that just like his strongest desire was to get some air, he will need to have that kind of desire for success. And that’s the great secret.

So the story of self-indulgence is not easy and predictable because all of us won’t react in the same way towards the same stimuli. Generally speaking, we all have great potential for achieving many goals, but success depends on how important they are to us, or how much we really care about them.

hlSometimes it’s easier for everyone to take action when we are threatened or are about to lose something important. For example, when we are running out of time to accomplish some task, we feel the pressure that pushes us to act. That pressure is actually our fear that those actions will have negative consequences. Namely, if the deadline is far away, it seems to us that we have a lot of time ahead of us, and there won’t be enough triggered energy, even though that’s actually a natural endowment within us.

Our self-indulgence is strongly influenced by our attitudes and beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. If we think we are capable of achieving a goal or solving the problem, there’s a great chance that we will get involved in such activity. But if we think we are not able to do it, it's almost certain that we won’t even try because we are still condemned to failure. That’s why we need to have some kind of trigger, something kept inside ourselves, some secret, unexplainable force that is known just to us. And we can activate it only by using the same pattern, our secret pattern.

That secret force was inside Steve Jobs’s mind when he was striving towards success. Some of his employees and friends say that he was a workaholic and very strict when it came to business. He even gathered a team wherein the main goal was to study the feelings of excitement when a customer opened a box and found his products inside. He strongly relied on emotions and self–motivation. He also had one more important thing on his mind, namely time. Time is perishable and cannot be saved for latter use or reversed. So, cherish your living days as if they are the last.

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