Why you should Prioritize
Creating Relationships over Client Lists
By Andy Marsh
Customers are the heartbeat of any business, and maintaining good customer relationships is crucial for getting and retaining customers. A healthy relationship with the current customers ensures success and sustains business performance, especially in the bad times. However, creating customer relations strategies requires time and dedication. Most businesses prefer to skip it as it is a considerable investment, and to quantify it is a challenge.
Well, here are the top benefits of customer relationships that we hope will compel you to invest in it.
1. Reduce Customer Churn
According to recent studies, 68% of customers churn, while 78% fail to become customers due to poor customer service. Poor customer service results in frustrated customers, who are likely to share their unpleasant experience with others. According to Esteban Kolsky, you can expect 13% of unsatisfied clients to share their experience with 15 or even more people. It gets worse in that only 1 out of 26 unhappy customers ever complains. Therefore, the absence of negative feedback is not a sign of satisfaction.
On the flip side, decent customer service will propel your business as 72% of customers share positive experiences with 6 or more people. By and large, exceed the expectations of your clients and wow them at every available opportunity.
根据最近的研究, 78%的客户因服务质量差而无法成为客户。糟糕的客户服务导致沮丧的客户可能与他人分享他们的不愉快经历。根据Esteban Kolsky的说法,你可以期待13%的不满意客户与15位甚至更多的人分享他们的经验。一个投诉的客户,代表着其他26个同样持有不满但仍保持沉默的客户。因此,缺乏负面反馈并不是满意的标志。
2. Differentiation from Competitors
According to experts, in industries with many competitors offering the same service or product, it is those with exceptional customer relations that will thrive. We are living in an era of intense competition, and businesses have been forced to distinguish themselves. Creating strong customer relationships remains the best way to do that and can increase profit by 25% to 95%. Here are a few companies that are trailblazers in customer service.
Last year, a customer service agent spent more than 10 hours on the phone with a customer, making the business a subject of emulation and discussion on every customer relations. This dedication to ensuring customers are ever happy is why the company is the best in customer service.
The company focused on enhancing personal interaction between employees and customers. As a result, members of their loyalty program spend three times more and shop twice as often as the average customer.
3. Retaining Clients is more Affordable Compared to Getting New ones
Most customers visit your online or brick and mortar store once. Despite all the revenue and effort that go towards marketing, most people only give you one shot. Compare this with customer retention, which is 5 to 10 times cheaper than acquiring new clients. Moreover, increasing customer retention by 5% increases your profit by 25% to 95%, according to Fredrick Reichheld. This statistic is the most compelling reason why businesses should invest in customer relations. It will reduce your acquisition budget and earn you more.
大多数客户访问您的在线或实体店一次。尽管营销的所有收入和努力,大多数人只给你一个机会。与此相比,客户保留率比获得新客户便宜5到10倍。此外,根据Fredrick Reichheld的说法,将客户保留率提高5%可使您的利润增加25%至95%。这一统计数据是企业应该投资客户关系的最有说服力的理由。
4. Client/Customer Relationships Help You Acquire Leads
When she was starting, Margarita Hakobyan, the CEO of MoversCorp.com, decided to treat her clients like gold. For her first customer, it meant a personal phone call and a $50 gift card as a show of appreciation. That proved to be the golden touch, and it got customers rolling in. However, this can be a hit or miss, and there are some things you should do for it to be a success.
First, proactively thank your customers, and especially your first customers. You can offer a discount on their next purchase or a rebate should they refer other people. Moreover, set expectations appropriately, and always over-deliver. Finally, respond to problems promptly.
5. Better Lifetime Value of Customers
The customer lifetime value (CLV) might not sound important, but believe us when we tell you it is. CLV is proof that you are resonating with your customers and tells you what you are doing wrong or right. With better customer relationships, you can expect the CLV to be higher, generating 2.6 times revenue compared to companies with low CLV. High CLV is a result of excellent customer relationships and high satisfaction.
客户生命周期价值(CLV)可能听起来不重要,请相信我们。 CLV证明您与客户产生共鸣并告诉您您做错了什么或做对了。通过更好的客户关系,您可以期望CLV更高,与CLV低的公司相比,收入增长2.6倍。高CLV是卓越的客户关系和高满意度的结果。
Wrapping Up
We are living in an era of stiff competition, and businesses have to come up with ingenious ways to acquire and retain clients. Investing in customer relationships is one cost-effective way that will keep you ahead of the competition.